01225 683062

01373 593193

01761 690208
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Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions we are most frequently asked. If you have any questions not answered here or would like more detail, please get in touch and we will be happy to help.

Why Should I Choose Goodwills? 

Over the last 25 years Goodwills has assisted over 60,000 people with making a Will and a range of other legal arrangements. All legal work is carried out by Goodwills Legal Services Ltd, a solicitor led specialist legal services practice. We offer a local, helpful and professional home visit service. Our prices are usually very much lower than a High Street solicitor, but you still have the security and peace of mind of knowing that all legal work is completed by a professional and experienced legal services practice.

How Are You Able To Offer Such Good Value?

We keep costs down by operating from just one national office, where our specialist legal team is based. The local service is provided by a network of trained Senior Consultants around the country who provide a home visit service within their local areas. As we are not paying all the costs associated with having High Street offices we are able to offer very good value for a high quality of service.

What Are The Benefits Of A Home Visit?

You save having to travel with the associated costs and possible delays. More importantly many people feel more comfortable discussing matters in their own home rather than in the formal environment of a solicitor’s office. The home visit will be at a time that suits you and can, if necessary, be during the evening or at a weekend. We can also offer telephone, video link and office based appointments.

What Happens At The Home Visit?

We will explain the process, look at your personal circumstances, discuss your intentions, explain any options, answer any questions and complete an instruction form. We also do an identity check which helps ensure that your Will is robust against any possible legal challenge. You are given the time you need and we check that you are happy with everything.

What Happens After The Home Visit?

At the end of the home visit we ask you to check the forms that we have completed. We then send these to the head office legal team and they will draft your Will. You are sent a draft of your Will for checking before the final bound Will is produced. This also gives you a chance to add any details that were not available at the home visit, such as a postcode or telephone number. We will advise you about the proper signing and witnessing of your Will and provide support as required.

Is there An Alternative To A Home Visit?

A home visit is appreciated and valued by the vast majority of our customers. If for some reason a home visit is not possible or desirable, please let us know and we will be happy to make alternative arrangements. We can also offer telephone, video link and office based appointments.

Can I Have A Friend Or Relative Present At The Home Visit?

Yes. If you would like a friend or relative present during the home visit, we are happy with that as long as it is very clear that they are not trying to influence you regarding the content of your Will and are not benefitting disproportionately from your Will.

Do You Offer A Will Storage Option?

Yes. We are able to offer storage and update options. We will explain these options at your home visit.

Do Your Prices Include VAT?

Yes, there is no additional VAT to pay on our advertised or quoted prices. You will find that High Street solicitors will often add VAT to the prices they quote, so our prices in comparison are even better value than they first appear.

What Is Included In Your Standard Prices?

Our standard prices are for a bespoke professionally drafted Will that meets the requirements of the majority of the people we assist. Additional charges apply for more complex Wills and Trusts. We will explain the options and benefits to enable you to make an informed decision.

I Have Heard You Can Make A Will By Completing A Form On The Internet, Through The Post Or From A Newsagent.
Is This A Good Idea?

A Will is an important legal document and it is vital that it is drafted correctly. We recommend that you avoid DIY or online Wills, the savings are small but what is at risk is great.

Having a Will that is not correctly drafted or not based on proper advice can be invalid, ineffective and vulnerable to challenge. It could leave you in an even worse position than not having a Will at all. This could mean that your wishes do not take effect and lead to disputes and high legal costs.

For your peace of mind and security all our Wills are produced by Goodwills Legal Services Ltd, a solicitor led specialist legal services practice.


Michael Rhodes, your local Goodwills Senior Consultant, has an up to date Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check. This was previously known as a CRB check and is sometimes referred to as a police check. He is also subscribed to the DBS update service.

Please contact us with any queries or to make an appointment.

Goodwills Legal Services Ltd is a solicitor led,
specialist legal services practice

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To book an appointment or if you have any queries, please call Michael Rhodes on 01373 593193 or 01225 683062, email info@goodwillslocal.co.uk or complete the form below:

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    visit the goodwills local linked in account

    Contact Us: 

    01225 683062
    01373 593193
    01761 690208
    Goodwills Local provides high quality services in partnership with Goodwills Legal Services Ltd, Premier Solicitors
    and other trusted providers.

    Copyright © Goodwills Local 2024
