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Lasting Powers of Attorney


A Lasting Power of Attorney appoints one or more trusted people who can act on your behalf and, if necessary, make decisions in your best interests, should you not be able to do so at any point in the future.

We believe that having Lasting Powers of Attorney in place is just as important as having a Will.

There are two types - Property & Financial Affairs LPA and Health & Welfare LPA. It is ideal to have both types as they each protect your interests in different respects.

The alternative to setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney is to go through the Court of Protection, which is very expensive, takes a long time and could mean that an uninterested third party decides how your affairs should be managed!

Lasting Powers of Attorney cannot be set up once you have lost mental capacity and so the right time to have these set up is now, before it is too late.

Property And Financial Affairs LPA

These allow loved ones to protect you and manage your financial affairs whilst you are still alive, but are unable to do so yourself. People can lose mental capacity due to accidents, illnesses and sudden unpredicted events, such as strokes, which is why we recommend that all clients of all ages have Powers of Attorney put in place.

LPAs for Property and Financial Affairs ensure that should you lose mental capacity; your chosen Attorneys will be able to manage your affairs in your best interests.

Health And Welfare LPA

Lasting Powers of Attorney for Health and Welfare cover a client’s interests beyond merely his or her money, property and assets. This document relates to things such as choice of care home, who can visit the client (or, indeed, the ability to stop someone who is distressing the client from visiting him/her) and what decision should be made regarding life-sustaining treatment.

It is very difficult to persuade the Court of Protection to make decisions on Health and Welfare (and, even if they do, it will be very costly and time consuming) which means it’s vital that these documents are set up by a client when they have mental capacity and before it is too late.

Free Information Pack

We offer a free Lasting Powers of Attorney information pack of leaflets and an information sheet. To request your pack simply call, email or use the contact form.

Great Value - Helpful Professional Service

Our charges for Lasting Power of Attorney start at only £220 per person. This is for either a Property & Financial Affairs LPA or a Health & Welfare LPA. There are substantial discounts on the second LPA for those who do both types at the same time.

These prices include VAT, two home visits to ensure everything has been prepared and completed correctly and all the documentation being produced by Goodwills Legal Services Ltd, a specialist legal services practice. All options are clearly explained so that you can make informed decisions.

(Additionally, there would usually be a fee to the Office of the Public Guardian at the time the LPA is registered. Registration can take place at the time the LPA is drawn up or at some stage in the future).

Please contact us with any queries or to make an appointment.

Goodwills Legal Services Ltd is a solicitor led,
specialist legal services practice

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To book an appointment or if you have any queries, please call Michael Rhodes on 01373 593193 or 01225 683062, email info@goodwillslocal.co.uk or complete the form below:

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